LTFSPL has been at the forefront of construction and renovation of industrial floor technology. An ideal floor would be perfectly flat and level and have no joints.
For making Jointless floor we have adopted large area construction method as against conventional long strip casting, by this method large floors up to several thousand square metres in area was laid in a continuous operation. Fixed forms were used only at the edges of the construction at intervals of typically 30 X 24 m. Concrete was discharged into the floor area and spread by laser Screed machines. Levels were controlled both manually using a target staff in conjunction with a laser level transmitter and by direct control of laser-guided spreading machines constructing free-movement areas,
By definition Jointless floors are floors constructed in large panels typically 50 m square without intermediate joints.
The word 'jointless' can be misleading, as there is a practical upper limit to the area of concrete that can be placed in a single continuous operation. No joints are sawn, but steel fibres incorporated into the concrete mix control the width and distribution of cracks caused by shrinkage. A benefit of jointless floors to the building user is the opportunity of having relatively large areas of floor with no joints.